Build Green
Ecotecture: Online journal - focuses on aspects of the ecological design field such as the re-design of cities for better ecological performance, sustainable agriculture, ecological housing, and alternative energy. Our focus will be on solutions that are already in place on a small scale, such as water recycling systems and intentional communities . . .
Whole-House Energy Checklist (pdf): Design and construction professionals follow a whole-house systems approach to improve the energy efficiency of the homes they build and realize the full benefits of various energy-saving measures. A systems
approach considers the interaction between the site, building envelope, mechanical systems, occupants, and other factors and recognizes that features of one component in the house can
greatly affect other components. A design and construction checklist provided.
Sustainable Construction in the United States of America (pdf): A perspective to the year 2010. This report is part of a series of national reports produced by the CIB-W82 (Future Studies in construction), subgroup on Sustainable Construction 2010. This report is the United States
contribution to that effort.
Building America: a private/public partnership sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy that conducts research to find energy-efficient solutions for new and existing housing that can be implemented on a production basis. Build America produces homes on a community scale that use on average 30% to 90% less energy, integrates onsite power systems leading to "zero-energy" (ZEH) homes that will ultimately produce as much energy as they use by 2020 (PDF 852 KB) and help home builders reduce construction time and waste. 31,488 homes built to date!
Achieving Sustainable Construction in Affordable Housing (pdf): An energy-efficient design and construction checklist and information sheets on energy-efficient design and construction in order to help affordable housing providers take the first steps toward a whole-house approach to the design and implementationof energy- eficient construction practices.The checklist presents simple and clear guidance on energy improvements that can be readily addressed now by most affordable housing providers. The information sheets complement the checklist by providing installation instructions and material specifications that are accompanied by detailed graphics. The information sheets also identify benefits of recommended energy-efficiency measures and procedures including cost-savings and impacts on health and comfort.
State Funds Support Green Housing, Clean Energy, Bioproducts:
February 08, 2006: The states of Massachusetts, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin are currently offering funding for a wide variety of energy-related projects.
Energy Calculators & Software: Here you'll find calculators to help you evaluate your home's energy use and need for energy-efficient improvements.
Greenroof Industry Resource Portal: Earth-friendly technology of organic greenroof architecture. Information database and clearinghouse for the greenroof movement worldwide.
Northwest EcoBuilding Guild: The Northwest EcoBuilding Guild is an association of builders, designers, homeowners, tradespeople, manufacturers, suppliers and others interested in ecologically sustainable building. Protect human health, encourage sustainable resource usage and foster long-term economic vitality.
Green Building Fact Sheets: Fact sheets from Seattle Public Utilities' Green Home Remodel series.
BuildingGreen: An independent company committed to providing accurate, unbiased, and timely information designed to help building-industry professionals and policy makers improve the environmental performance, and reduce the adverse impacts, of buildings. Offering print and electronic resources to help design and build construction projects from a whole-systems perspective and take an integrated design approach that minimizes ecological impact and maximizes economic performance. Publishers of Environmental Building News.
Green Topics for Homebuilders: Topics include Appliances, Caulks & Adhesives, Decking, Distributors & Retailers, Doors, Electrical, Exterior Finish & Trim, Flooring & Floorcoverings, Foundations, Footers & Slabs, Furniture & Furnishings,
Insulation, Interior Finish & Trim, Lighting, Mechanical Systems/HVAC, Outdoor Structures, Paints & Coatings, Plumbing, Renewable Energy, Roofing, Sheathing, Sitework & Landscaping, Structural Systems & Components, and Windows.
Seattle Sustainable Building: Seattle's green building program will focus on key market sectors - single family residential, multifamily residential, and commercial/industrial/institutional. The program will also focus on integrating sustainability into urban design and neighborhood planning.
Building Green Canada: Energy and Environmental Issues in the Building Sector . . . to advance the energy and environmental performance of buildings
Sustainable Building Information System: Designed to provide users with non-commercial information about sustainable building around the world, and to point or link the user to more detailed sources of information elsewhere.
Healthy Buildings, Healthy People: A Vision for the 21st Century: A vision for indoor environmental quality in the 21st Century. The importance of the indoor environment to human health has been highlighted in numerous environmental risk reports. This site offers extensive information.
King's County Sustainable Building: Comprehensive resources to help professional builders recycle, reduce waste, save money, and get recognition for embracing sustainable building practices in King County, WA - and more. . .
State & Municipal Programs
King County Green Building (Seattle, WA): Providing information on King County's green building programs and resource for all kinds of green building information ranging from case studies to technical references.
Construction Works, King County (Seattle, WA): Providing free assistance and recognition to builders who recycle, reduce waste and use recycled-content building materials.
Green Builders & Suppliers
IEQ Indoor Environmental Quality Project: Design & Construction: Recommendations for Site and General Building Design, Enclosure, Plumbing, Mechanical and Electrical Equipment, Finishes and Furnishings, Construction Related Activities for Renovations, Occupancy, Commissioning, Exterior Landscaping. Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Access Board) is an independent federal agency devoted to accessibility for people with disabilities.
BetterBricks: To help achieve sustainable, high performance buildings, BetterBricks is dedicated to raising awareness and demand for energy efficiency by sharing information and resources with the people who design, own and operate them.
Building Material Resources for the Chemically Injured: Building materials often emit (out gas) volatile organic chemicals (VOCS) into the air. Chemically injured (or the resulting state of chemically sensitive) people must wisely choose materials which have low or no VOCS. Resources and links.

Buy or Sell Your Environmentally-Friendly Home
HealthyHomes for Sale by Owner: Find or market healthy and eco homes to a very specific and targeted market. The hosts of Healthy Homes FSBO are a healthy home architect and environmental consultant committed to serving the population of folks who are sensitive to the environment. See sister sites at and
The New Mexico MCS-Safe Housing Search Page: Free Safe Housing Ads for Properties for Rent or Sale. Postings are limited to searches and ads for homes, apartments, properties and cars in New Mexico. Guest houses, and rooms for rent in safe homes will also be listed. Submit your posting, send it via email to: