Renewable Energy
The term "Renewable Energy" refers to several energy sources that produce electricity or thermal energy without depleting resources. Renewable energy sources are generally defined as including wind, solar, water, biomass and earth, energy from waste and from the sea.
Organizations & Resources
The Northeast-Midwest Institute, 218 D Street SE Washington DC 20003, 202.544.5200. Washington-based, private, non-profit, and non-partisan research organization dedicated to economic vitality, environmental quality, and regional equity for Northeast and Midwest states. Conducts research and analysis, developing and advancing innovative policy, providing evaluation of key federal programs, disseminating information, and highlighting sound economic and environmental technologies and practices. Covering (click on the state name to go to the state home page): Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Maasachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Wisconsin.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Program, P.O. Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6186, (865) 576-8176, Fax: (865) 576-7572, Conducting research and development on sustainable energy resources that create a cleaner environment, a stronger economy, and a more secure energy future for our nation. Renewable resources offer opportunities for clean and sustainable energy. Our main areas of research and development include: Biomass, Hydrogen, Fuel Cell, and Infrastructure, Hydropower, Photovoltaics and Solar Energy Research.
Renewable Energy Policy Project, 1612 K Street, NW, Suite 202, Washington, DC 20006. Accelerating the use of renewable energy by providing credible information, insightful policy analysis, and innovative strategies amid changing energy markets and mounting environmental needs by researching, publishing, and disseminating information, creating policy tools, and hosting highly active, on-line, renewable energy discussion groups.
US Energy Information Administration: A statistical agency in the U.S. Department of Energy created by Congress in 1977 to develop energy data and analyses that help enhance the understanding of energy issues on the part of business, government, and the general public.
World Alliance for Decentralized Energy (WADE): Research and promotion organisation whose mission is to accelerate the worldwide development of high efficiency cogeneration (CHP) and decentralized renewable energy systems that deliver substantial economic and environmental benefits.
GreenHeat, 435 Brennan, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1Z 6J9, 613.728.0822, The term GreenHeat refers to four renewable energy technologies that can be applied to space heating and cooling in residential and commercial buildings.
GreenHeat technologies include: earth energy systems (ground-coupled heat pumps), solar thermal water heaters, solar thermal air heaters, advanced biomass combusters.
Canadian Association for Renewable Energies:
Promote greater awareness of the benefits of renewable energies to Canada's economy, environment and society,; advance the adoption of renewable energies in all sectors and in all feasible applications and undertake research that will optimize renewable energy technologies.
Canadian Renewable Energy Network: Created through the efforts of Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and its stakeholders. Its purpose is to increase the understanding of renewable energy to accelerate the development and commercialization of renewable energy technologies.
Canada's National Climate Change Process, 55 Murray Street, Suite 230, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 5M3. Informing Canadians about the process of developing a national implementation strategy on climate change. Governments and experts across Canada are examining the impacts, costs and benefits of addressing climate change.
Canada's Climate Change Office: Informing Canadians about climate change and how it affects the environment. Relates what the Government of Canada is doing to address the problems of climate change and how all Canadians - individuals, communities, businesses, industries and every level of government - can take action to help protect our environment.
Energy in Canada 2000 (Renewable Energy): Examines the energy sector in Canada. Presents issues that drive energy policy in Canada and the importance of energy to the economy. Looks at how energy is produced, its sources, transformation and the infrastructure required to deliver it to the consumer. Examines the consumption of energy by sector and the trends to its more efficient use.
Environment Canada, 70 Cremazie Street, Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0H3, (819) 997-2800 or 1 800 668-6767, Fax: (819) 994-1412, TTY: (819) 994-0736, Vision of a Canada where people make responsible decisions about the environment; and where the environment is thereby sustained for the benefit of present and future generations.
ETDE's Energy Database: Contains world's largest collection of energy literature, bibliographic references and abstracts to journal articles, reports, conference papers, books and theses. The subject include the environmental aspects of energy production and use and energy policy and planning, as well as the basic sciences that support energy research and development.
Independent Power Producers' Society of Alberta (IPPSA), 400, 505 - 8th Avenue SW,
Calgary, AB T2P 1G2, Canada, (403) 282 8811, (403) 256 1587. Promoting a competitive electricity marketplace with multiple buyers and sellers with access to the electricity transmission and distribution network. This enables the Society to expand the potential of the power industry in Alberta and capitalize on both domestic and export electricity market opportunities.
Independent Power Producers' Society of Ontario (IPPSO), APPrO, PO Box 1084 Station F, Toronto, Ontario, M4Y 2T7 Canada. Street address: 25 Adelaide St. East, Suite 1602, Toronto, Ontario, M5C 3A1, (416) 322-6549, fax 416-481-5785 Promoting independent power, or "Non-Utility Generation," also known as NUG. More than 400 members including developers, suppliers and consultants to independent power enterprises, both public and private, with an emphasis on implementing clean and sustainable renewable energy systems in Canada and around the world. IPPSO offers extensive resources of many types to assist business, government, utilities, and scientific researchers acquire useful information pertaining to sustainable energy systems.
Renewable and Electrical Energy Division, Natural Resources Canada, 580 Booth Street, 17th Floor, Ottawa, ON K1A 0E4, Fax : (613) 995-8343, TTY : 613-996-4397, Promotes development of sustainable renewable energy industry in Canada via investments in renewable energy systems for heating and cooling and information on renewable energy technologies. Analysis and advice to the Minister on electricity issues in Canada.
RETScreen International: A renewable energy awareness, decision-support and capacity building tool developed by the CANMET Energy Diversification Research Laboratory (CEDRL) with the contribution of over eighty five (85) experts from industry, government and academia. The core of the tool consists of a standardised and integrated renewable energy project analysis software that can be used world-wide to evaluate the energy production, life-cycle costs and greenhouse gas emission reductions for various types of renewable energy technologies (RETs).
Centre for the Analysis and Dissemination of Demonstrated Energy: Renewable Energy:: An International Energy Agency agreement for the exchange of information on commercial renewable energy projects. Information from CADDET Renewable Energy is made available through four main products: the Renewable Energy Register, Renewable Energy Newsletter, Technical Brochures and Reviews.
European Forum for Renewable Energy Sources (EUFORES): An independent, non-profit making organisation that aims to promote the use of renewable energy. By acting as an umbrella organization EUFORES provides coherence to the voice of the renewable energy sector and stimulates a strong support for renewable energy at the highest level.
Dutch Energy Association (EnergieNed): The Federation of Energy Companies in the Netherlands, EnergieNed, is the representative body for all companies in the Netherlands playing an active role in the production, transport, trade or supply of gas, electricity and/or heat. The Federation represents the interests of its member companies. EnergieNed is the point of contact for government bodies, political parties and pressure groups representing business, consumers and environmentalists.
German Heat & Power Association(AGFW), Stresemannallee 28, D-60596 Frankfurt am Main, Phone ++69 6304-1,Fax ++69 6304-391, Unites utilities, suppling third parties with heat and cold on a contractual basis, energy service providers as well as companies concerned with planning, development and production of heat-/cold plants. Participates in research projects and studies in the area of district/local heating (including CHP).

Magazines & Commentary
Refocus: The International Renewable Energy Magazine: Introduction to the magazine with content from past and current issues. Useful links.
Cocoposts: News and commentary on energy issues.